Newsletter - Issue 1


Coordinator’s Welcome 

The TIMELY consortium has had three busy years working on the TIMELY platform and preparing the TIMELY trial which started last year – an important milestone and a huge effort on behalf of the whole consortium. 
In the TIMELY trial, we have three recruiting sites in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. In sum, we will enroll 360 patients. Ensuring patients are recruited in a sufficient number and in a timely manner is our number one priority at the moment. To date, nearly 150 patients have been randomised thus far! We are looking forward to see how our TIMELY platform will perform.

This month, our team has met for the fourth in-person consortium meeting. Hosted by our colleagues at SERGAS, nearly 30 members met in-person. I would like to thank our advisory board members who were able to join us at the consortium meeting to support the further development of TIMELY! 

Thank you to the whole consortium for their efforts so far, we are looking forward to our RCT seeing what interesting results we generate! Follow TIMELY on its ground-breaking journey. Keep up to date with the project website, watch our introduction video, subscribe to news and follow TIMELY on LinkedIn and X. 


Jos A. Bosch 


Project News & Highlights 

Take a look at our other project highlights below and read all the latest news from the TIMELY project. 

First TIMELY Press Conference 

On February 15th 2024, our first press conference took place. In Santiago de Compostela, the press got an overview on the project from three different perspectives: After a short speech by Dr. Carlos Pena, Collaborative Investigator of the trial in the Spanish site, a patient shared his experience with the TIMELY trial. Finally, J.R. González Juanatey and Eloína Núñez Masid, Manager of the Health Area of Santiago de Compostela and Barbanza, elaborated on the potential of Artificial Intelligence in the region Galicia from the economical point of view. The press conference was attended by journalists from Spain. 

Read our report and download the material here.

The next press conference will take place in summer in the clinic Königsfeld. Stay tuned for updates to come! 


TIMELY Project Meeting

On February 15th and 16th 2024, we came together In Santiago de Compostela,to discuss the process of the project. Members of the Advisory Board joined us and gave us their important feedback. Besides presenting the trial’s execution and progress, the exploitation strategy was discussed.


Grabbing a Coffee with the Advisory Board

Our Advisory Board includes expertise in eHealth, psychocardiology, epidemiology and economics. On a regular basis, we are exchanging ideas, discussing project updates diving deeper into various hot topics. 

Read here what they think about the recent TIMELY developments: 

Timely is a highly innovative project that combines academic and clinical advances in cardiac rehabilitation with the translation of knowledge into practice through its implementation in countries with very diverse health systems. The Timely platform allows remote monitoring and interaction with patients, thanks to Artificial Intelligence and the intervention of human case managers when needed. We expect it to contribute to improving health outcomes in a cost-effective way.
— Dr. Beatriz Lopez

Connecting with H2020 Projects

In order to stimulate the exchange with other H2020 projects, we conducted an interview with ESCPAPE and WARIFA.

Advisory Board member Prof. Susanne S. Pedersen talked to us about the ESCAPE project and its aims to create a “one stop shop for patients and their carers”. ESCAPE wants to develop and evaluate the clinical effectiveness, cost effectiveness, and cost utility of an integrated holistic biopsychosocial patient centered intervention, focused on the needs of elderly patients with multimorbidity.

Conceição Granja and Thomas Schopf represented the WARIFA team and introduced us to their fascinating project. Like TIMELY, WARIFA focuses on the use of AI in healthcare. Their aim is to provide users with risk assessment and recommendations to improve the modifiable risk factors for the four most common chronic conditions: Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, COPD and melanoma.

You can read the interview with the ESCAPE project on our website. Follow us on Social Media to be the first to know when the interview with WARIFA is published!


The TIMELY Project at congresses and conferences

Meet the TIMELY Project at congresses and conferences all over Europe and listen to exciting presentations by our team. Upcoming events include:

  • The Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society

  • The Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Psychology and Health

  • ESC Preventive Cardiology 2024

  • The Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

  • ESC Congress 2024

  • Computing in Cardiology 2024

You can find detailed information on the events here.


TIMELY publications 

You can find our latest publications here


Follow TIMELY 


Newsletter - Issue 2